Jacklyn Marcus Ph.D.
Artistic Profile
- Lifetime commitment to and involvement in artistic endeavors.
- Cohesive theme of creativity and artistic expression surrounds all ventures undertook.
- Last eight years devoted exclusively to designing and creating metal sculptures.
- Guided students’ progression of clay sculpture artistry through classes taught at local art center.
Ph.D in Counseling Psychology, University of Southern California
Master of Science in Special Education (Hearing Impaired), University of Southern California
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology U.C.L.A.
- Morphosis, July 31-August 22, 1999, BGH/The Loft, 2525 Michigan Avenue, Santa Monica, CA 90404
- CARnucopia, Truckin’, A Group Exhibition of Neon, November 17, 2000 through May 27, 2001
- Museum of Neon Art, 501 West Olympic Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90015
- Venice Art Walk, Silent Auction Invited Donor, May, 2001
- Emperor’s Clothing, May 26, 2001
- BGH, 2525 Michigan Avenue, Santa Monica, CA 90404
- Marina Art Exhibit, “Truckin”, April10, 2002 – May 10, 2002
- Del Rey Yacht Club, Marina Del Rey, CA
- Group Show, “Group of Eight”, April 20, 2002 – May 19, 2002
- BGH, 2525 Michigan Avenue, Santa Monica, CA 90404
- Venice Art Walk, Silent Auction Invited Donor, May 2002
- “Lost & Found” – August 28, 2002 – March 2, 2003; a group showing at Museum of Neon Art, Los Angeles, CA
- Venice Art Walk, Silent Auction Invited Donor, May 2003
- Venice Art Walk, Silent Auction Invited Donor, May 2004
Art In Public Places
- Shadows – Turningpoint School, 8780 National Blvd., Culver City, CA
- Stars and Stripes Flag at condominium project, Los Angeles, CA
- Figures for K-Mart Fountain, Anaheim, CA
- Aluminum painted giraffe mounted in the main tower of the daycare center at Children’s Hospital in Madera, CA
- Hand-shaped aluminum children and dog, brightly painted, climbing up the wall at the daycare facility at Children’s Hospital in Madera, CA
- “Flowers for Mom” – bronze memorial to the lives of Michael & Debbie Nesbit, front of Valentine Elementary School, San Marino, CA
- Creating metal sculpture through entire process of transforming the “idea” to an image, cutting the metal, welding, grinding, and bending, in addition to employment of other techniques toward completion of each desired piece. Metal sculptures done in various metals, sizes, and forms.
- Taught classes in pottery and clay sculpture design and execution to teenagers and adults.
- Exploration of expression utilizing photography and darkroom techniques.
- Finalist for North Valley Area Police Station Public Art Project, 2003.
- Finalist for Mason Park Childcare Center, Public Art Project, Chatsworth, CA, 2003.
Current Work
- Currently finishing a 6 foot high shoe and various stainless steel pieces.
- Commissioned work: stainless steel and aluminum geometric abstract sculptures.
- Hand formed brightly painted aluminum bugs.
- Pin-Up Girls in metal and neon.
- Public Art – TurningPoint School in Culver City, CA – to be installed Spring, 2008, 3 large gates with painted abstract metal forms attached.
- Public Art – Willows School in Culver City, CA – to be installed in August, 2008,
- 7’ x 24” bronze circular sculpture.